Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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Jack Dempsey's Grave
That man of honor and of iron,
That man of heart and steel,
That man who far out-classed his class
And made mankind to feel
That Dempsey's name and Dempsey's fame
Should live in serried stone,
Is now far in the West
In the "wilds of Oregon.
Forgotten by ten thousand throats
That thundered his acclaim —
Forgotten by his friends and foes
That cheered his very name;
Oblivion wraps his faded form,
But ages hence shall save
The memory of that Irish lad
That fills poor Dempsey's grave.
O Fame, why sleeps thy favored son
In wilds, in woods, in weeds?
And shall he ever thus sleep on —
Interred his valiant deeds?
'Tis strange New York should thus forget
Its "bravest of the brave,"
And in the wilds of Oregon
Unmarked, leave Dempsey's grave.
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